Guillermo Vargas was born in Colombia living in Weston, Florida since 2000. Married to Adriana for 31 years. Father of three wonderful kids and a beautiful granddaughter.
Economist as his profession and real estate investor and broker. He became very sedentary for several years. After checking the weight balance increasing every day, he decided to start doing something about it and begins to walk, not run and to do cycling (non-weight bearing exercise) for about 13 years. As a cyclist he did participate in many one hundred miles or Centuries rides; the famous London to Paris, L2P ride, a three-day race covering 125 miles every day among many other cycling events.
Lost about fifty-five pounds in this period.
His first runs were walk and run routines by following the instructions written in a book by Jeff Galloway. This helped him to slowly gain confidence and to start participating in 5k events, 10k, and half marathons.
2020 to 2021 was his first FIT session which he did enjoy very much with a perfect attendance. Will love to run a full marathon soon.
Incredibly happy to be a FIT member to run every Saturday with nice people and to find the motivation to run during the week to keep in form to manage the Saturday runs. Most of the time he runs by himself so FIT has been of significant help to run safely in a group and to run under a well-planned structure. His previous experience as a cyclist and now as a runner is something he is always willing to share as much as learning from others.